Looking for an easy plant to hep beautify your home that won’t act like a “teenager” and get all pissed off and die in a few months? [I’m looking at YOU fiddle leaf fig!]

Then look no further than the beautiful, and easy to care for sister of the fiddle leaf fig, the ficus elastica aka the rubber tree.

These plants come in a variety of sizes and colors and as long as you don’t commit the cardinal sin of house plant ownership [over watering!] they will last a very long time.

I just obtained two huge rubber trees from a neighbor and it reminded me of how great these plants are. Go to my IG stories plant highlight if you want to see them for yourself. If you don’t own one already- I give you permission to stop reading this right now and drive to your nearest plant store. And when I say plant store I just mean ANY store that sells plants. I’ve purchased beautiful, healthy rubber trees from Trader Joes and Windmill Farms in the past. [They are also MUCH cheaper than buying them at typical or fancy plant stores].

Want to buy one online- click here to see if Plant Proper has any in stock.

rubber tree in a west elm planter in the office of San Diego family photographer, and plant lover, Christine Dammann

Now, go buy this beauty and tell me all about it. Better yet- click the envelope icon below and send me a picture of you and your new friend!

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